Mental health affects so many of us out there. Please know that there are many programs out there to help.
“Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone” ~ Lisa Olivera
Matt Lannon's Story
As told by Matt's Brother - May 23rd, a day that we would have typically celebrated my brother Matt’s birthday. Unfortunately, after losing my brother to suicide in September, the celebration will look different this year. Grief is quite the beast. Each day we think of him brings a wave of emotion that involves anger, sadness or disbelief. Everyone deals with grief in their own way. Unfortunately for us, the sadness and anger were more present in our daily life, almost taking over. We knew that we needed something in our lives to turn that sadness into healing and moments of happiness and positivity.
While growing up, Matt always had a love for horses. He found peace and comfort when he was riding or taking care of them, a source of therapy for him. When thinking of ways to heal we came across equestrian therapy. We had reached out to a friend that had a love for horses and wanted to know if she knew anyone that was providing equestrian therapy to adults struggling with mental health or addiction issues. A kismet moment happened where we were introduced to Steffanie Bjorgan, Executive Director and Founder of Red Roof Retreat.
Red Roof Retreat provides quality recreational and respite services to children, youth and young adults with special needs and their families. Red Roof Retreat is a place where relationships are developed, awareness is created, and bonds are nurtured through understanding and respect for each individual’s special needs. They create opportunities for relationships to develop and for skills to grow. Steffanie had mentioned that when they reopen after covid, they would be branching out with a mental health program (more information to follow).
After meeting with Steffanie and experiencing the healing we needed while at Red Roof Retreat, we decided to start a memorial fund in Matt’s memory through Red Roof Retreat. The Matt Lannon Memorial Fund will be directly linked with Red Roof Retreat. For those interested in donating, can click on the link below . You are able to receive a tax receipt after a $20 donation. For those who are able to donate, thank you for your kindness and generosity. We understand that these are difficult times. If you’re unable to donate, we recommend checking out their website, getting to know what Red Roof Retreat is about, and even volunteer if you have some time! https://www.redroofretreat.com/
Mental health affects so many of us out there. Please know that there are many programs out there to help. “Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone” ~ Lisa Olivera
A very special thanks to Karley McKeigan for introducing us to Steffanie. A very special thanks to Steffanie for taking the time to listen to our story and for guiding us in the right direction to make this memorial fund go live. Lastly, a heartful thank you to Jordan Versluis for creating the Matt Lannon Memorial Fund logo and graphics. We truly wouldn’t be where we are right now with this fund without all of your help!
To make a donation in memory of Matt Lannon please

If you have any questions please reach out to Steffanie Bjorgan, Executive Director at Red Roof Retreat